Social Enterprise

We know that housing alone will never solve homelessness; in fact, newly housed people are the most vulnerable for falling back into these cycles.  There are many reasons for this, but our Social Enterprise addresses one key issue: it's hard to keep up with rent when facing barriers to employment like lack of job experience, addiction, or past incarceration.

Our plan is to provide employment in a trauma-informed environment to help ease neighbors back into the workforce. Our initiative would specifically focus on making candles and bath products within a trauma-informed approach. This program provides the best opportunity for success despite past hardships. We desire to employ individuals experiencing homelessness and those at risk, including survivors of domestic violence, poverty, foster care, sexual abuse, and incarceration, as well as people with disabilities.

We seek support for our Social Enterprise program to fill a budget gap and make a significant impact on our neighbors experiencing homelessness. By providing sustainable, dignified incomes and training in a relationship-focused, trauma-informed environment, we aim to prevent returns to the streets. Help us to be able to provide neighbors gain job skills, sustain their new lives, grow, and thrive!