Julie Jimenez | Care Support Manager

Julie Jimenez, Salt + Light’s Care Support Manager, is the longest standing employee. Born and raised in Tulare County, Julie and her husband have a blended family. Together, they share 12 kids, 20 grandchildren, and a houseful of pets.

Part of the team since early 2021, Julie has given her talents in countless ways to Salt + Light! From food truck prep and outreach, online sales, and office manager duties, to micro-enterprise with our neighbors, Julie has had a hand in it all. Her loving spirit and her inspiring life story have certainly shaped the culture at Salt + Light. 

In 2021, she completed the Micro Enterprise and Social Enterprise courses at Fresno Pacific University Center for Community Transformation. In addition, Julie is a certified addiction specialist, and was trained at the California Consortium of Addiction Programs and Professionals. However, the greatest experience Julie offers our neighbors is the ability to relate to them on the deepest level. Julie experienced homelessness for 18 years, and was in and out of jail as well. She has been off of the streets for 11 years, and has committed her life to loving all people since then. She’s worked with those experiencing homelessness for the past 8 years and brings with her a heart full of compassion and grace for each individual.

“I'm here to love on our Neighbors and offer them hope, to make sure they know that they matter. These are someone's grandmothers, someone's sons and daughters. I know how alone I felt on the streets, and I want to try to help others feel less alone.” 

Julie is a beacon of light to our neighbors in whatever stage they find themselves on this journey. She has personally helped find housing for several neighbors and continues to cultivate relationship with them by consistently showing up for them.

Fun fact: Julie’s love for Adele led her to a concert in Vegas where she got to experience her from the front row. 

Food: Ice Cream 

Drink: Club soda with lime 

Movie: I LOVE the Bible series movies and the Bible A.D. However I have been known to watch Step-Brothers and ALL the Fast & Furious movies over & over