Brody Willette

Facilities + Fleet Assistant

Brody Willette, Salt + Light’s Facilities + Fleet Assistant, has developed quite a reputation around here as one of the food truck guys! Born and raised in Victorville, California, he’s been living in Visalia for the last 10 years and has three beautiful little girls.

Part of the Salt + Light team since June 2022, Brody says he’s here because he wants to build others up and show them grace, love, and mercy. His favorite part of the job is being with the neighbors and building heart-to-heart friendship.

“We're not meant to do this walk alone,” Brody says. “My favorite part about Salt + Light is the staff; they are the best group of people I’ve ever met. I learn from them and they push me to take on new and challenging opportunities. I’m treated with respect and given daily encouragement, and I am grateful for that.”

Brody brings absolute joy and goodness to Salt + Light connecting with our neighbors on the deepest heart level. Recently, while on the food truck, Brody saved someone’s life by performing CPR when they’d gone unconscious. Without hesitation, Brody jumped in to help our neighbor and, in the end, saved his life. It is this humble and low-key (yet swift) ability to adapt to what’s around him that’s truly a gift to us all. Brody’s spirit brightens whatever space he walks into and our neighbors are impacted by his heart to fully love others, with no judgment.

Fun fact: At the track riding motocross!

Food: Ribeye Steak, Medium Rare

Drink: Blue Gatorade

Movie: A good documentary

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